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Never, Ever Give Up - CLE collects one-page, anonymous, handwritten stories, from people in Northeast Ohio, all answering the question: What is the hardest thing you ever had to do? 


Everyone has a story, and sharing our stories may be the most important thing we do for ourselves and for others. When we share our stories about hard times, we expose that we all have brokenness. It is not equal, but we all have it, and that is what connects us. Working to cultivate that connection is just one small sliver of the work that needs to be done to create a more equitable society.


 Often it can be hard to share stories that expose our pain and struggles, but sharing is a form of bravery. We cannot be shamed into silence by any stigma because we must tell the truth in order to heal. Sharing a Stories of Struggle gives the writer a chance to find their voice and put down on paper how they dealt with hard times. It also allows the reader to connect, feel hope and inspiration.


The Letters of Hope in response are filled with encouragement, connection, support, or gratitude can help someone feel seen and supported. Going through hard times can feel like a walk alone but the act of bearing witness to the pain of others can create community. If the burden is left solely on the individual it can become too hard to carry. It can be hard to think of what to say to people share their pain, but it is so necessary to practice responding and speaking to people who need support. We must acknowledge their experience and encourage each other to Never, Ever Give Up.


Why Sharing Your Personal Story Can Offer Real Health Benefits


The Importance of Storytelling | Emmanuel Dzotsi | TEDxOhioStateUniversity

Why Telling Our Own Story Is So Powerful for Black Americans


Don’t ‘Get over it’: How accepting hard times can help you triumph over them



It is great to read people's testimonies about their trials. . .we are consumed with our own lives, but we all need a reminder to look outside ourselves as often as we can. These stories help me remember to always try to give people the benefit of the doubt.

Great source of inspiration and encouragement.


Love the great work you do for the community. Being part of this, I never regret giving my testimony, and I truly appreciate it.

Never, Ever Give Up - CLE started in 2018. It is a storytelling project honoring the hardest moments in peoples' lives. We collect anonymous stories and letters and share them through multiple platforms, building community throughout the county and world. 


We value honesty, diversity in our writers and stories, and the hard work individuals do to overcome difficult times.


We believe in the power of storytelling.   


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